A Card for My Dad
Posted: September 8, 2020 | By: Stacy Croninger
Inspired by my daughter I took the time to create a card for my dad’s birthday and I’m so glad that I did.
My 19-year-old daughter wrote my husband a heart-felt letter before she left home. I was touched by her words and that she would take the time to write such a beautiful letter.
As I read the letter I thought about how I couldn’t remember the last time I expressed such thoughts of love and appreciation to my father. His birthday was coming up and because of my daughter’s inspiration I sat down one Sunday night when the kids were in bed and started creating a Heritage Makers card for my dad.
First, I created a fun cover for the 5×7 greeting card. I found an old picture of him that I thought he would love and added a funny quote. That was the fun and easy part. The next part, the letter, wasn’t so easy. I sat looking at the screen not knowing what to write. After some time and almost giving up I decided to again look at the letter my daughter wrote and that helped get my thoughts going. The ideas and words started to flow.
Knowing this isn’t an easy process for some people (as it wasn’t for me) I came up with a few prompts that might help if you are wanting to create a note to someone you love:
Happy Birthday _________!
When I think of you I think of someone who _________ (list about three things and try to be specific)
I think of someone who spends his/her days _________ (again, try to be specific)
I have many memories when we _________
You are the _________ (list adjectives that describe the person) person I know.
Thank you for _________
I am grateful _________
I hope your day (and year) is a good one. Please know that you are loved and _________
Have you noticed that people don’t send many birthday greeting cards in the mail these days? Don’t you think it would be amazing to not only get a card in the mail but one that has treasured photos and a heartfelt message inside it?
With Heritage Makers it is easy to create and then direct ship the card with our “mail for me” service. Trust me you will be so glad you took the time to create a special card for that special loved one. My dad called me when he got the card. He said he was very touched and he would always treasure it.
One last thing. Have you purchased a birthday card at a store recently? The prices have gone up! I bought one a few weeks ago and I couldn’t believe it was $5.99 and that was without postage. This 5×7 card I made for my dad in Heritage Makers and then had shipped directly to him cost me only $4.62. Plus, cards are 15% off from now through Oct 31.
P.S. It’s never too early to start creating your holiday card. Be sure to add an updated photo of the family. It’s that time of year to schedule a photo shoot or just get the gang together and take a great group shot with your iPhone’s automatic timer. I like to use a Heritage Makers template for my holiday cards. Check them out in the template gallery and get it done early this year because that sale price is GREAT and why not get a jump on the holiday season?
– Candi May, Brand Champion for Heritage Makers
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