Membership Affiliation Types

Retail Customer 

A product purchaser that is not enrolled as an active Distributor or Preferred Customer with Youngevity, and that purchases product, either directly from a Distributor, or through the Distributor’s online shopping cart. Retail Customers do not participate in the Company’s Compensation plan, nor do they enjoy the benefit of purchasing at wholesale pricing.


Preferred Customer

A non-Distributor who can order products at wholesale prices. They can also sign up for Autoship.  They cannot sell Youngevity product, enroll customers or recruit new distributors. They do not earn any commissions through the compensation plan. 



A person who wants to build a business using Youngevity products. They can earn commissions on product sales of their downline and Customers. They can sell Youngevity products and recruit new Distributors to their team. Distributors must purchase an enrollment kit. 


Retail Profit: 

The amount a Distributor makes (gross) by purchasing an item at wholesale price and selling it at retail to a customer, or the difference between the wholesale price and retail price for items purchased directly through the Distributor’s retail shopping website. 




QV – Qualifying Volume

A value amount assigned to individual products. This is the amount of each product sale that counts towards your rank and bonus qualification.  So, this amount, singly and/or cumulatively, is the amount from which your rank qualifications are calculated.


PQV – Personal Qualifying Volume

The amount of qualifying volume (QV) earned by a rep from their personal purchases and the purchases made by their personally enrolled Retail Customers.  


BV – Bonus Volume

A value amount assigned to individual products. This is the amount, singly and cumulatively, from which a Distributor’s Bonus and Residual Commissions are calculated.


PBV – Personal Bonus Volume

Is the BV value of a Distributor’s personal purchases/retail sales (all sales running

through the Distributors personal I.D. Number) during a calendar month.


PV = Personal Volume

When used in the context of Qualifying Volume (QV) this will equal PQV. When used in the context of Bonus Volume (BV) this will equal PBV.



GV – Group Volume

When used in the context of Qualifying Volume (QV) this will equal GQV. When used in the context of Bonus Volume (BV) this will equal GBV.



GQV – Group Qualifying Volume

This is the sum of a Rep’s Personal Qualifying Volume (PQV) and the PQV of each Rep within their placement tree downline. Different qualifying criteria may recognize different calculations (typically within the first 3 downline levels),such as a certain number of downline levels, or cut-offs or percentages based on downline rank complexion.


Group Bonus Volume (GBV)

The Bonus Volume (BV) purchased/sold by a Distributor’s downline organization. The number of levels that are added cumulatively are dependent upon the specific parameters of the bonus in question.



OQV – Overall Qualifying Volume

The total overall QV purchased/sold by a Distributor’s downline organization.



Additional Terms & Definitions


Compensation Plan (also called Comp Plan)

Distributors (independent contractors) earn their income (retail and wholesale profits, called commissions and bonus) through a compensation plan based on their abilities and results. There are generally two parts to the compensation, commission and bonus. The commission is the amount earned when the Distributor, who has purchased the product at wholesale from her/his company, sells the product at retail. Bonus is the amount(s) paid on downline sales. There is normally more than one type of bonus.


Scenario Planner

An interactive calculator to help you plan out your goals using different scenarios. No two people approach their business the same exact way. The Scenario Planner allows you to customize your approach. If you prefer to focus solely on product sales, you can. If you also want to incorporate team building, you can do that too. In any case, this scenario planner will help keep you on your chosen path. Distributors use it to estimate your possible monthly commissions for each Customer type—this will help you create scenarios that show different ways to attain your goals.


Replicated Website (also called Personal Website)

A Distributor’s sharable, shoppable customer-facing website. It is located using your username like this: [UserName]



Enroller (AKA Enrolling Distributor) is a Distributor who introduces a new Customer or new Distributor to Youngevity.  This is typically the person who worked with you directly to choose the right enrollment kit for you. Your enroller is ALSO your upline.  



Upline not only refers to the person who recruited you, but also the people in the same line in the levels above you. So, the upline is the person who brought you into the business (AKA Enroller) and his/her upline is also part of your upline. In other words, an Upline is any/all Placement Distributor’s above a particular Distributor in lines of placement up through the top of the company’s genealogy. 



Placement refers to the option for the Enroller to place a new Distributor into any position within his/her downline organization, or to retain the new Distributor on his/her front line (AKA Line 1, or Level 1) and maintain the role of Placement Distributor. The Enrolling Distributor retains a vested interest in bonus commissions, as bonus commissions primarily follow the lines of enrollment, irrespective of placement within a given organization. 


Placement Distributor

A Distributor under which a new Distributor is placed, either by him/herself or by another Distributor in the Placement Distributor’s direct Upline organization. The Placement Distributor is generally responsible for supervision and training of the placed Distributor. The Placement Distributor retains a vested interest in residual commissions, GBV, and GQV, as these primarily follow the lines of placement, irrespective of enrollment within a given organization.]



A downline refers to the people you personally recruited or enrolled as either Customers or Distributors after you joined as a Distributor. In other words, all Customers or Distributors via lines of enrollment or placement by any other Distributor below or emanating from a particular Distributor. Their product purchases,and in turn, their customers’ and downline’s product purchases will generate income for you.



All Distributors via lines of enrollment or placement by any other Distributor below or emanating from a particular Distributor.


Front Line 

Also known as Line 1, or Level 1, Front line refers to the direct connection between a Distributor and his/her Placement Distributor.  When a Distributor is both the Enroller and chooses to be the Placement Distributor for a new Enrollee, the Enrollee is referred to as “personally enrolled” under that Distributor and is on that Distributor’s Front Line.  



An optional convenience program that allows Customers and Distributors to create recurring orders. Product orders are processed on a selected date on a monthly basis. 


CEO Qualified

Implies that an additional section of the compensation plan is unlocked, which includes more earning potential, like coding bonuses, car bonus, and more. Distributors can achieve this rank through the purchase of a Business Builder Kit (previously referred to as CEO Mega Paks), or accumulate 500 PQV in your lifetime as a Youngevity Distributor. 



Each Distributor placed on your level one is considered a separate leg.  Each leg is made up of both Distributors and Customers under that Distributor. You and your entire team are considered one leg to your Placement Distributor


Paid Rank

This is also known as “Paid-as” Rank. This is your rank earned during a pay cycle (AKA “Qualification Period” or “Volume period”). This may be different from your Lifetime Rank. 


Lifetime Rank

The highest rank you have achieved so far in your Youngevity business.