Why is America so Sick ?

CLR Roasters 2141 NW 72 Ave., Miami, FL, United States

Dr. Joanne Conaway, RN, BSN, ND presenting nutrition and health. Linking our GUT / digestive system to our health. Welcomed by Lorene Williamson Youngevity 4 Star Leader and Hosted by Roxana Gonzalez-Pouza, 1 star Leader from



Presentation highlights: HempFX and other amazing products. Saturday, October 20, 9:30 a.m. coffee with amazing people at our own Coffee House/Roaster, Coffee served and Door Prizes. Location: CLR ROASTER, 2131 NW 72nd AVE, Miami, FL 33122


CLR Roasters 2141 NW 72 Ave., Miami, FL, United States

Sharing Youngevity stories and introducing amazing training and products, over coffee and experiencing our very own Roaster in Miami, Florida. RSVP please. Roxanna Pouza. 305-926-3353 text or leave message.


Why is America So Sick? Working with our HempFX

Dr. Joanne Conaway sharing Why America is so Sick and important information about working with our HEMPFX and why it is so good for the body. Q & A to Follow. PLEASE RSVP Roxanna 305-926-3353.
