Joyce Riley
Joyce Riley likes to joke that she broadcasts her daily radio show, The Power Hour, from her home in “nowhere Missouri.” But her rural location doesn’t stop Joyce from sharing her passion with a legion of loyal listeners.
A registered nurse for over 30 years and a captain in the U.S. Air Force, Joyce started the radio show a decade ago to help inform and empower others. Now, as a Youngevity distributor, she’s proud to be helping even more people by telling them about the quality health products as well as the great business opportunity.
A Desire to Help “I want people to be able to have a product that they can use and benefit from and also make money,” she says. “There are so many people, especially today, who really need this opportunity.”
Joyce discovered Youngevity during a lengthy search for a health product that would effectively bring back her health. “In 1991, I was part of the Air Force reserve in Desert Storm and we were given too many vaccines—some of them experimental ones—which I believe is what made me ill.
“This was the first time I’d become ill with anything that gave me a challenge, and traditional medicine had nothing to offer me. I began to look at alternative, or integrated, medicine as a way to help myself and other troops who had become ill.”
That search, Joyce says, led her to buy and try a wide variety of products, 95 percent of which didn’t work at all. Then she found Youngevity. “The first thing I tried was the 90 For Life package,” she says. “But even before trying that, I was immediately drawn to the company because of Dr. Joel Wallach’s philosophies. What he said about why we get sick and how we get well just made sense to me. I thought it was brilliant.”
Once she began using the products, Joyce continued to be impressed. Because of her established radio show, Joyce could quickly tell a large audience about her experience. Hearing on-air testimonials of her callers’ health improvements was compelling and helped Joyce further realize what an impact she could have by telling people about Youngevity.
“I can’t build this business for people, but what I can do is give them a chance to do it themselves,” she says. “On our radio show, we like to say ‘Buy from the good guys.’ That is a great philosophy about supporting companies like Youngevity that are making quality products and helping people.”