Build and Cherish your Faith
Posted: January 23, 2019 | By: Lisa E
Have you ever felt really discouraged and didn’t know where to turn for some encouraging words? Have you ever struggled with making a decision and wondered where you could find some good advice?
The answer to both of these questions is a Faithbook photo album.
Did you know that if you take the time to write down stories from the past of how the Lord rescued you, healed you, and provided for a need or guided you – those stories will encourage you in the future? A picture of my husband’s Aunt Ruth in our photo album and the details of how she would send us birthday cards with money at just the exact moment we needed groceries or to pay a bill, still gives me encouragement today. I know the Lord will provide for our needs as he did 30 years ago through Aunt Ruth. What are the stories in your life that demonstrate God’s faithfulness to you? Capture those in a photo album and you will have a valuable tool the rest of your life.
In Dan Allendar’s book, To Be Told, he said that if we will take the time to write our stories, looking back will help us make better decisions in the future. My husband and I have owned several RV’s over the years, and every time we decide to purchase a different one, we use our albums to review the good and bad characteristics of past RV purchases! I am so glad we have those details written down so we can make better financial decisions.
There are so many other ways that a Faithbook photo album will serve you. Take the time today to start yours. The OMFL Faithbooking album is available right now, so this is the perfect opportunity.
Also, this recording of the Faithbooking presentation will give you additional inspiration and guidance for creating an album.
Start today on an album that will encourage and guide you the rest of your life!
-Rhonda Anderson, Ambassador for Our Memories for Life
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