8-year-old Creates Valentine Book
Posted: February 22, 2019 | By: Lisa E
When my daughter had just turned 8, she considered herself a “good writer.” When you asked her what she hoped to be when she grew up she would always answer, “a Heritage Maker like my mom.”
One night she came to me with a project that she created at school: a stapled hand-made book she put together herself.
It was a gift for me.
As I read the pages and read all the reasons she loved me, I remember how it brought tears to my eyes. To have your daughter think you are kind and good is the greatest gift a mother can have.
Then little Ryleigh asked me if she could make it into a book like she and I did for Daddy at Christmas, a Heritage Makers book.
I remember how I really didn’t have the time to sit at the computer with her and teach her how to do it. I had sugar cookies that I had to make for the next day and dinner in the oven. So I looked through the Template Gallery and found one that would be perfect (thank goodness!). I sat her at the computer and wished her well.
A little later that evening she proudly announced she was done. I said, “the whole thing?”
Sure enough she had completed the whole book without one bit of help from me! Check it out.
Even to this day, ten years later, this was the best Valentine’s gift I ever received. I can’t see how anything could beat it. Not diamonds, perfume, nor even chocolate could beat this gift.
Thank you, Ryleigh. I will treasure this book forever. (I love you too.)
-Candi May, Brand Ambassador for Heritage Makers
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