Bless others with your thankfulness

Posted: October 14, 2019 | By: Lisa E

Last year, I talked about creating a gratitude journal and how practicing gratitude is linked to improved mental, physical and emotional well-being. This year I wanted to put a little spin on this idea.

Our Snap2Finish photo journals are on sale this month. It’s the perfect time to create some for those you love. Are you hosting or attending a special family or friends gathering this holiday season? Consider creating a photo journal for each person joining you at the gathering.

While everyone is gathered together pass the journals around so that each person can write a special message to the journal owner. Have them share why they are thankful for that person, or write a positive quote or verse that describes that person.

Imagine the power those words will have!

I hope you take the opportunity to share your love with someone close to you. Have fun celebrating the Snap!

– Helen Watt, Snap2Finish Brand Champion


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