Empowerment & recognition of amazing Youngevity women and hearing from the men that support them. Fun with gifts, good eats, door prizes, t-shirts and so much more…. this is FOR MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS to attend. All attendees that secure their tickets by March 10 will receive a customized gift bag & shirt just for you. GET YOUR TICKETS TODAY… seating is limited and tickets are selling. Big shout out to the speakers and host, all are supporting the event by buying their tickets, so please help me make sure everyone has a t-shirt.. they are so cute! GO TO WWW.BOOKMYTICKETS.INFO AND GET YOUR TICKET NOW. BLOCKED ROOMS CODE: YGYLEGACY
Event starts: Friday night at 6:pm – 9:pm (Registration, Meet & Greet with entertainment) Saturday starts 10:am – 4:pm (packed day with POWERFUL fun and recognition, something for all – members and guests are invited. A great time to show others how wonderful and powerful our women at YGY are. See you soon. Other questions text me: 601-317-6121. So excited.