June 9, 2017
Posted: June 9, 2017
Peggy and Curt Dorn
Sometimes our Youngevity Associates create businesses that involve the whole family. Today’s Fab Friday focus is exactly that—a family affair! 1 Star Executive, Car Qualified and Circle of Honor achievers Curt and Peggy Dorn, and their family of four daughters Anna, Abby, Emily and Olivia take a team approach to their Youngevity business.
The Dorns were introduced by circumstance to Youngevity and Dr. Wallach’s protocol and products. An extended family member was facing a health crisis, and they used the Youngevity products to help improve their situation. Peg shared: “by God’s grace they are still here with us”, and it was “hard to ignore” the role that the Youngevity products played in their recovery.
Since their introduction to Youngevity, the Dorns have taken a somewhat meandering path to where they are today. Curt shared that he was the “typical reluctant husband”, and it took him about a year before he was really on board. But now he sees the value in not only the health proposition, but the time and financial opportunities as well. They both love that Youngevity has something for everyone, and have seen what the products can do—but acknowledge that people have to choose for themselves.
What’s been working for this family lately, is simply casting a wider net—to the people they already reached out to. “Youngevity is so broad. We narrowed it down too much and made assumptions for people. So we’re going back and simply changing the proposition for the people we’ve already connected with”, said Curt.
This shift in focus has definitely made a difference in their business. And the same philosophy holds true even within their family, where there’s really something for everyone. The family loves the Pollen Burst, and Curt mentioned he’s a fan of the Triple Treat Chocolates, but the Dorn household’s four busy daughters lean towards the Mineral Makeup and Mialisia lines as favorites. Their upline, 4 Star Executive Noah Seigmann, noted that Peggy and Anna can do a Mialisia demo at the drop of the hat that will blow you away. Peggy got started with nutritionals, but found an interest in the make-up and jewelry lines because of her daughters, and now does a lot of social selling. In fact, both Anna and Abby are CEOs with Mialisia and the Mineral Makeup line, respectively.
Noah also shared that he sees this couple as up and coming leaders in their area. “Curt recently led our whole business overview flying solo, and did a fantastic job with the whole thing.”
When asked for their best advice to share with others, Curt had a simple but powerful suggestion. “Surrender to the system. We fought it at first, thinking we had a better way to do it. But the system is there for a reason—it works. Just use it.”
Thanks for sharing your Youngevity journey with us, Dorn family!