JULY 2016
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1. Virtual Meeting Kickoff: July 2016
Welcome to the Virtual Meeting for July 2016.
Please enjoy these 13 training videos from top leaders covering how to build and grow your Youngevity business. (2 are in Spanish)
Let us know what you think by emailing us at: [email protected].
2. Evelia Arriaza – Action Creates Results
What are the two things that cause you to fall short of the results you desire? Evelia Arriaza breaks down these two reasons so you can start achieving more.
3. David Rutz – Nothing Beats Good Old Fashioned Hard Work
Tap into David Rutz’s decades of experience as he tells us how to implement everything we’ve read, been coached on, or been trained to do. It all comes down to using elbow grease and hard work.
4. Scott Fardulis – Trust, Responsibility, and Accountability
5. Laurette Willis – Do Not Wait For Conditions To Be Perfect
Have you ever waited for that perfect moment? Well, there is no ‘someday’ on a calendar. Laurette Willis will help you get motivated to take action right now.
6. Dr. Corey Gold – Moving Your Business Forward Through Action
What can you learn from past mistakes? Dr. Corey Gold shares some pitfalls from his wealth of experience and how he not only learned from mistakes, but used the lessons to thrive.
7. Raymond and Yolanda Brown – Building On Purpose
Have you ever felt like you were taking action but not going anywhere or getting where you wanted to go? The Browns will show us how building purposefully will help you reach your destination.
8. Denice and Tom Chenault – Becoming Your Best You
The Chenaults are a product of personal development. Tap into their secrets of personal growth success as they show you how to be who nobody else can be – the best you!
9. Dr. Luis Arriaza – Master Keys For Success
How can you fill your meetings and achieve the results you want? Dr. Arriaza trains you on the questions you must ask yourself to rise to the occasion. If you want to go where you’ve never been, you have to do what you’ve never done.
10. Dr. Joanne Conaway – The Power of the CM “Turbo” Cream
Youngevity products are even more powerful when combined? Dr. Conaway is a product expert who demonstrates a very special mix of ingredients that might help you and many others you know.
11. Alex Theis – Retention
Why do people stop ordering? You might be surprised at the answers and how simple it can be to overcome these objections. Alex will teach you the secrets of better retention that you can put in action today.
12. Dr. Luis Arriaza – Las Llaves Maestras del Éxito
¿Como puedes lograr más reuniones y lograr los resultados que quieres? El Dr. Arriaza te entrena para que conozcas las preguntas que te tienes que hacer a ti mismo para estar a las altura de tus metas. Si quieres lograr lo que nunca antes, tienes que hacer lo que nunca has hecho.
13. Evelia Arriaza – Acciones que Crean Resultados
¿Cuáles son las 2 razones por las que no alcanzas tus metas? Evelia Arriaza te explica cómo funcionan esta dos situaciones para que puedas lograr tus sueños.
14. Youngevity Virtual Meeting – July 2016 – All Segments
Welcome to the Virtual Meeting for July 2016. Be sure to watch all 13 Virtual Training segments.
Let us know what you think by emailing us at: [email protected] Enjoy!