Organizing Anthology DIY Style
Posted: February 19, 2018 | By: Lisa E
The beginning of a new year always gets me in the mood to massively purge! I make a goal to organize a cabinet, shelf, drawer or closet space five days a week (I take the weekends off). This is actually pretty attainable. It usually takes me about 10 minutes to organize a drawer and decide what to keep and toss. Best of all, I spend the rest of the day looking inside the organized space—it’s such a liberating feeling! My dear scrapbooking friend, Becky Higgins, came to my house years ago to help organize my office and scrapbook room. At that time, she taught me a very important acronym that I’ve always remembered: SPACE! So what does it mean?
Now let me just interject right now that I DON’T have an immaculate house and yes, I have some disorganized closets and cabinets. Life happens and it’s easy for “stuff” to stack up. I heard this quote and it rings so true for me:
“Organization isn’t about perfection; It’s about efficiency, reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life.” – Christina Scalise
So, here is my family’s really big news. We only have one child left at home (tears, tears and more tears) and are in the process of downsizing a bit to a new home. My new crafting space is a lot smaller than the one I currently have. Let me give you a picture of how much stuff I have in my current room. I’ve been in the memory keeping business for 21 years now and I think every scrapbooking company at some time or another has sent me every product they have. I’ve tried to purge over the years but honestly I have so much stuff. I’ve decided to donate 90% to charity. I’m going to take my cardstock, adhesive, some tools and of course all my Anthology DIY kits. I love that the Anthology DIY scrapbook, card, embellishment and pocket scrapbooking kits have amazing packaging. Everything I need is in one beautiful “container” and they look pretty on the shelf.
For example, embellishments come in beautiful magnetic book boxes:
Ready-to-assemble scrapbook pages come in sturdy folders:
And card kits come in magnetic boxes:
Best of all, EVERYTHING you need to create beautiful cards and pages (even the adhesive and instructions) are in the packaging.
One final food for thought:
“Organized people are just too lazy to look for things!”
-Lisa Bearnson, Ambassador for Anthology DIY
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