Create YOUR Personalized LTLYW Mug (or Tumbler)
Posted: July 3, 2018 | By: Lisa E
I’m so excited about our 2019 Live the Life You Want trip to Havana!! Thanks Michelle G. Wallach and her amazing team for putting together another event for women to join forces for personal growth, empowerment and to encourage others. I LOVE the graphic corporate created and used it to create a Snap2Finish Mug for myself and my roommate.
YES…. you can also put this graphic on our Snap2Finish Travel Tumbler for coffee (or your favorite beverage of choice).
It would even make a great cover page for your Snap2Finish Photo Book filled with all the great memories from this trip.
Here’s a direct link for you to download and use this graphic too!
Once you’ve downloaded the graphic, go to and LOGIN with your Youngevity ID number and password. UPLOAD this image to your own Snap2Finish account into an existing or new photo album. I created a new photo album called “LTLYW 2019” and will continue to add photos from this event to keep myself organized. Once you’ve uploaded the image into your account you are ready to start creating your project!
Watch this short video tutorial on how to create your customized LTLYW mug.
Thanks #Youngevity, Michelle, and our amazing LTLYW team!
Have fun turning your special moments into lasting memories with Snap2Finish!
Helen Watt, 5 Star Executive
Snap2Finish Brand Champion
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