Treasures from the Past

Posted: November 12, 2019 | By: Lisa E

This week I was helping my friend Lisa with her special family heirloom photo project. She had found this beautiful scrapbook that her grandfather put together back in 1930. Old pictures, wedding certificates, Boy Scout accomplishments, and his own handwriting. This was quite a treasure!

Lisa had the wonderful idea to create copies of this book for several family members as a surprise Christmas gift. She didn’t need to purchase or rent any special equipment. All she used was her smart phone!

Using her smart phone she took pictures of each image on each page. Where there was handwriting under the picture, she was sure to capture that too.

Tip: While you can edit these pictures on your phone, please do not crop them smaller. You want to upload the full resolution photo into your Snap2Finish account.

Once she had all the images on her phone, she could Log In to her Snap2Finish account and begin uploading them into her account to a new album. There are lots of different photo book templates to choose from, but for this project she wanted a simple black landscape book which would closely resemble the original in size, shape, and color.

Lisa kept the same basic layout of the original scrapbook as she worked to recreate it digitally. These older pictures do not have the same aspect ratio as current photographs or digital images, but within the Snap2Finish program each photo space can be transformed to perfectly fit the picture she took while also including his handwriting.

Isn’t it fun to see how her grandfather identified the people, places and dates in these old memories? I guess Lisa gets her love of album making from her grandfather.

Isn’t the memorabilia fun too? This Valentine card is almost 100 years old!

Once Lisa finished the digital photo book, it was easy to order multiple copies as her Christmas gifts. Now this treasure can be enjoyed by more people and for many more generations.

For those that love preserving original photos and documents in a traditional scrapbook album, we offer beautiful archival products in the Our Memories for Life brand. Using these products you can rest assured that your album and photos will still look beautiful – even 100 years from now.

Keep sharing your stories and have fun celebrating the snap!

-Helen Watt, Snap2Finish Brand Champion

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