Your Back is the Backbone to Better Health

Posted: October 31, 2023 | By: Dracy Dewar

Back pain can have several potential risks. Firstly, it can lead to a significant reduction in quality of life, affecting one’s ability to perform daily activities, work, and participate in recreational or social activities. Chronic back pain may also result in psychological distress, including depression and anxiety. Additionally, untreated back pain can lead to long-term physical implications, such as muscle imbalances, decreased flexibility, and reduced mobility. In some cases, untreated back pain may contribute to the development of other health issues, including weight gain, cardiovascular problems, and decreased bone density.


Image of person stretching back.




  1. MAINTAIN GOOD POSTURE: Practice proper posture while sitting, standing, and walking. Use ergonomic chairs and supportive pillows or cushions when necessary.
  2. BALANCED DIET: A nutritious diet plays a vital role in maintaining overall health and eliminating inflammation. Consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (such as poultry, fish, beans, and nuts), and healthy fats (such as avocados, butter), while eliminating processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive alcohol consumption. Adequate hydration is also important, so drink plenty of water, supplemented by the 90 essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fatty acids, along with added support of calcium, magnesium,  collagens and glucosamine.
  3. EXERCISE REGULARLY: Engage in low-impact exercises that strengthen the core muscles and support the spine, such as swimming, yoga, pilates, or walking. Consult with a healthcare professional or physical therapist for tailored exercises.
  4. STRETCH AND STRENGTHEN: Perform gentle stretching exercises to improve flexibility and relieve muscle tension. Strengthening exercises targeting the back, abdomen, and legs can provide support to the spine.APPLY HEAT OR COLD THERAPY: Apply a heating pad or take a warm magnesium bath to relax tense muscles, while using essential oils. Alternatively, cold therapy using ice packs or cold compresses can help reduce inflammation and numb pain.
  5. APPLY HEAT OR COLD THERAPY: Apply a heating pad or take a warm magnesium bath to relax tense muscles, while using essential oils. Alternatively, cold therapy using ice packs or cold compresses can help reduce inflammation and numb pain.
  6. USE PROPER BODY MECHANICS: When lifting heavy objects, bend at the knees and use your leg muscles rather than straining your back. Avoid twisting movements and use proper lifting techniques to prevent injury.
  7. GET ADEQUATE REST: Ensure you’re getting enough sleep and establish a comfortable sleep environment with a supportive mattress and pillow.
  8. MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT: Excess weight puts additional stress on the spine, potentially worsening back pain. Maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  9. PRACTICE STRESS MANAGEMENT: Psychological stress can contribute to muscle tension and exacerbate back pain. Explore stress reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies and activities that promote relaxation.
  10. SEEK ADDITIONAL SUPPORT: If back pain persists or worsens, consult with a healthcare professional who can assess your condition and provide appropriate treatment options, which may include physical therapy, meditation, or other interventions.


It is crucial to address back pain promptly and seek appropriate SUPPORT to alleviate symptoms and prevent potential complications.

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