November 10, 2017 – New Recognition Assets

Posted: November 10, 2017


We’re happy to share the latest addition to our recognition program that makes acknowledging your team more fun and consistent. We see so many of you congratulating your downline when they join Youngevity or rank up—which is wonderful! We want to make it even easier AND more YGY specific for you to do that on social media.


Click HERE to see the new Recognition Assets—Social Media Squares, specifically, for you to use. You simply download the graphic you’d like to use, and share it on social media the way you would any image. We’ve launched this initially with four categories:


  1. Rank Up: Congratulations squares for every rank level
  2. Congratulations: General messages of congrats for a variety of uses
  3. Thank you: Self explanatory—tell someone you appreciate them!
  4. Motivation/Inspiration: Share your YGY pride or promote the idea of #betterment (more to come here)


We’ll update these visuals quarterly to keep them fresh. Enjoy using your new social squares for recognition!