Sam Steele
Posted: April 16, 2017
Sam received an early education in health and wellness when he was hired by his cousin, Todd Smith, to help out with some of Dr. Wallach’s speaking tours. He was only 13 years old at the time, but the core message of the importance of plant-derived minerals stuck with him ever since. At age 21 he blew out his knee trying to qualify for a collegiate soccer team. He underwent reconstructive surgery, only to re-injure the same knee a year later. He suffered through a second surgery and re-injury, at which point his doctor diagnosed him with a rare bone disease and the need for a full knee replacement. Sam decided that he’d had enough and contacted Todd to explore other options. Todd put him on a concentrated nutritional program, and when he went in to be evaluated for a possible third surgery, the doctors were amazed to see his disease symptoms gone and his cartilage rebuilt! Sam’s been playing soccer ever since.</p>
After graduating from Brigham Young University in Business Management-Entrepreneurship, Sam realized that Youngevity represented one of the best business models available anywhere. He’d experienced firsthand the power of the products and knew many other people would need and want the products, too. He contacted Todd to find out more about the business, and before long, he had many of his friends and most of his 10 siblings involved full-time in Youngevity!
Sam has started several small businesses, so he has experienced the stress and long hours that come with building something from scratch. That’s why he loves the freedom and fulfillment in the network marketing industry. He is eager to achieve higher levels of success as he helps bring Dr. Wallach’s message and the unique products of Youngevity to the world.