No matter how you’ve found success selling in the past, you should explore Youngevity’s social selling tools today. Use your Distributor ID to log in and create a virtual shop where you can get the party started – on your timeline, from right where you are. Go to myyoungevitysocial.com to get started and log in with your Youngevity User ID and Password. By working with your friends, family and the people you know to virtually reach out and serve the people they know, you can put the power of digital synergy behind your business. Youngevity Socials are flexible and can be done in person, over the phone or on-line. The great news is that Youngevity Social will help you grow your business by meeting you where you are and on your schedule.
Learn more by watching this training video: Growing Your Business with Social Selling
Join Sean Brown, VP of Sales and special guest Louise Adrian, as they discuss the the Social Selling program. Learn about the best tips and practices in order to be successful with Social Selling.