Protein = Weight Loss

Posted: January 21, 2022 | By: Rocio Ramos

Why is Protein Essential For Weight Loss?

When starting a health journey, many tend to focus on adding fruits and vegetables to their diets and less on adding protein. Although fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and essential to a healthy diet, protein is even more important. And even though protein is mostly associated with muscle building and as a post workout meal, it’s vital to weight loss.  Getting the right amount of protein in your diet will help support weight loss.

How protein supports weight loss

Aside from supporting muscle growth and maintenance, protein plays many roles in the body. One important role is increasing the level of the satiety hormone which helps reduce the hunger hormone. Protein makes you feel fuller longer. Additionally, a study found that women who had a high protein intake were able to boost their metabolism and increase the amount of calories burned by about 80 to 100 per day. So, digesting and metabolizing protein helps burn more calories which can help support weight loss goals.

How much protein do you need?

The National Academy of Sports and Medicine recommends that you aim for a daily protein intake between 1.6 and 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (.73 and 1 grams per pound) if you want to lose weight. So, for someone weighing about 200 pounds should be consuming around 160 to 2-200 grams of protein. This amount of protein is usually a lot more then what most consume when on a weight loss program.

Quick ways to add protein to you diet

Protein shakes and bars are always a quick and easy way to add protein to your diet. However, there are so many other ways to sneak protein in. One quick way is by adding collagen to your drinks or meals. Another great way is by snacking on some Greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, or other low fat dairy products. Just make sure to always look at nutritional facts as many dairy products can also be high in fat which may not agree with your diet.

Be sure to speak to a nutritionist or healthcare professional to help you find the diet that best works for you. When you do, make sure you’re getting the protein intake you need to support your goals! For more healthy lifestyle support, follow the Better Health Challenge on Facebook where you can get workout tips, healthy recipes, and more!

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