Virtual Workshops
A big HIGH FIVE to all the parents juggling creative solutions for their family’s changing schedule. This COVID-19 pandemic has stirred everything up, but at the same time gotten many people to slow way down. I’ve seen online posts about spring cleaning, home schooling, all kinds of scavenger hunts around the neighborhood and more! Businesses are offering creative solutions to help more people connect with free resources. (Keep reading for my offer to join me for free online photo workshops!) I’ve seen posts and pictures shared on Facebook, Instagram, and texting. Don’t let the memories stop there!
Talking about the COVID-19 situation has brought up all kinds of great conversations with our family. One of the biggest comparisons we’ve talked about is 911. It was a huge impact on our world! Our children were in 1st, 3rd and 5th grade. I thought they would remember a LOT, but they didn’t. I sure am glad I had saved pictures, the stories they wrote in school, even a photo of the cover of TIME magazine because they are all in their scrapbooks. Looking through those books helped them remember so much more.
I’ve also heard some great conversations from friends and their kids about how much they are enjoying this slower pace. Time to just be, to relax, maybe learn a new hobby like how to create a digital photo book.
Here are some easy steps to help you get started:
1. Snap a quick picture of your family gathered together in front of your home. You can use the self-timer on your smart phone.
2. Journal about all of that family time together! What did you do? How do you feel?
3. Get your family involved! Capturing the stories from your children will be even more amazing years from now!
You may not realize how easily you could capture all those great family memories, teachable moments and your stories and put them together into a digital photo book.
Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed or feel isolated! Join me in an online digital workshop. They are a great way to get personalized help and support on your project and they are absolutely FREE for you to join!
Be sure you are a part of my YPhoto Facebook Group. Have your notifications turned on so you’ll get information on when the workshops are posted under EVENTS.
We’re all in this together. Have fun with all those great memories you are making and join me at a virtual workshop to help you put them together.
See you online!
-Helen Watt, Snap2Finish Brand Champion