Youngevity’s Back-to-School Survival Guide

Posted: August 26, 2024 | By: Shanon Peckham

Back-to-school season is here! Are you prepared?

Though it’s no zombie apocalypse, it can sure feel spooky at times. Everyone’s dead-eyed and shuffling out the door to catch the early morning bus, begging for snacks after long days at school, and the next sick day is only one missed hand-wash away!

Like your favorite action hero, you’ll also want to come prepared for the journey ahead. Below, we dive into two of the biggest challenges of back-to-school season and how the right nutrition can help you keep the momentum going, rain or shine!


The return of K-12 means longer days for the whole family. Plenty of afterschool events, PTA meetings, and exciting new extracurriculars to keep up with! More children on average (about 50% total1) participate in afterschool sports than they did 20 years ago,2 while high school students typically spend up to 2.5 hours a day (or more) studying and completing homework.3,4,5 More teens have also added a job to their schedule since the start of the pandemic and may be out as late as 11 pm working.6,7,8

Between work, sports, homework, and other events, you and your kids may find yourselves a little short on time and energy. This is a great opportunity to help teach your kids emotional regulation and task management; sit down and craft out a schedule together that gives everyone an opportunity to shine without pushing anyone beyond their limits. That way, you can spend more time enjoying each other’s company and less time stressing over a packed calendar. Bonus: You can make your own unique, personalized calendars, notepads, and more through YPhoto. Check it out!

Here are some key nutrients to keep the whole family’s energy up!

For the Kids:

Limited-Edition Birthday Cake Protein Shake – Give your hangry teen a delicious, filling protein shake instead of pizza rolls!

ElectroFuel™ – A refreshing Rasberry hydration drink packed with vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes for afterschool practice.

Orange, Sweet Essential Oil – An energizing, uplifting essential oil, perfect for starting the school day off right.

For Mom & Dad:

Tazza Di Vita™ Café Ganoderma – Grab this mushroom-enhanced instant coffee for better energy and focus on the go!

Rebound FX™ – This juicy energy drink with natural caffeine and electrolytes will be a life-saver on game days.

Beyond Sleep System – Wake up feeling better than ever with a little help from magnesium, amino acids, and plant-based melatonin.

Immune health

Back-to-school season is a fun time, but it’s also the perfect opportunity for youngsters to swap germs and spread colds – and they’re really good at spreading colds. Flu, COVID, pinkeye, oh my! According to science, the more kids you have, the more household illnesses you can expect too.9 Though the continuous cycle of colds may take a break over the holidays,10 over the course of the year, expect each kid to get sick 6-12 times a year.11,12,13 Yikes!

Though swapping seasonal colds is a right of passage and helps develop your kiddos’ immune systems,13 being sick all the time can be problematic for their education and related future opportunities.14 If you want to make sure your kids stay healthy and don’t fall behind in school, you can bolster their immune health in a few ways.

Grab these products to help keep the whole family healthy during the school year:

For the Kids:

Kid’s Toddy™ – A yummy liquid multivitamin-mineral complex formulated for kids.

KidSprinklz™ Watermelon Mist – A convenient way for the kiddos to get their daily probiotics and support a healthy digestive system.

Strawberry Kiwi-Mins™ – A tasty liquid mineral supplement that supports overall health and healthy development.

For the Whole Family:

Vitali-C Plus – Provides Vitamin C and Zinc, which support immune health and may even shorten/lessen the intensity of colds.15,16

90 For Life™ – Support your health from every angle with Dr. Wallach’s 90 essential nutrients.

FucoidZ™ – Flush your body with antioxidants to fight free radicals and oxidative damage.


1 Are fewer kids playing sports?, USA Facts

2 Children Continue to be More Involved in Some Extracurricular Activities, United States Census Bureau

3 How Much Time Should Be Spent on Homework?, Learning Disabilities Association of America

4 How Much Homework Is Enough? Depends Who You Ask, Education Week

5 U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Parent and Family Involvement in Education Survey of the National Household Education Surveys Program (PFI-NHES), 2007.

6 Young Californians May Be Choosing Work over School, Public Policy Institute of California

7 Percentage of teenagers (16-19) who are enrolled in school and working in the United States from 1985 to 2022, Statista

8 Selected State Child Labor Standards Affecting Minors Under 18 in Non-farm Employment as of June 13, 2024

9 Your kids are adorable germ vectors. Here’s how often they get your household sick, KPBS

10 Smart Thermometer–Based Participatory Surveillance to Discern the Role of Children in Household Viral Transmission During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2023

11 Common Cold in Children, Cedars Sinai

12 How to avoid common back-to-school illnesses, Texas Children’s Hospital

13 Why is my child always sick? A pediatrician answers your questions, Children’s Hospital of Orange County

14 Chronic School Absenteeism for Health-related Reasons Among Children Ages 5‒17 Years: United States, 2022

15 Common colds: Research summaries – Does vitamin C prevent colds?, 2023

16 Zinc for the treatment of the common cold: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, 2012

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