5 Natural Sleep Aids for a Better Night’s Sleep

Posted: September 30, 2024 | By: Shanon Peckham

As we explored in a previous blog, you can build a better sleep routine by practicing healthier bedtime habits, but it may not always be enough alone. When you need a little extra help getting to or staying sleep, it’s nice to have options. The sleep aids below each have a little something different to offer, but all are natural, gentle, and holistic choices.

on the fence about trying a sleep Supplement?

We know how frustrating, even triggering, it can be to try a new treatment or product, especially if your system is sensitive and you’re already short on sleep. But getting good quality rest is so important to your health, it’s worth experimenting with dietary supplements – even if you have to start at a lower serving size than what’s recommended. The first step to take is educating yourself. Understanding how different sleep aids affect our bodies can help us choose the right one for our needs, cutting down on the need for constant trial and error.

Here are our top 5 favorite natural sleep remedies and what the research says about how they can help you get a better night’s sleep:

1 Melatonin

Did you know your body naturally produces melatonin to help you get to sleep each night? This hormone responds to light, regulating your body clock and energy levels throughout the day – which is why it’s super important not to scroll right before bed! Melatonin supplements offer a natural, gentle way to get to sleep faster and snooze longer. They have even been studied for their potential ability to soothe the symptoms of jet lag, anxiety, and some sleep disorders. Beyond sleep concerns, they may help regulate body temperature and the immune system as well.  Though melatonin was originally derived from animals, we can now harvest it from plants (phytomelatonin), opening up this holistic option to even more people.1,2,3

We use phytomelatonin (plus some of the other natural sleep aids on this list) in our Beyond Sleep Gummies to promote deeper sleep and better alertness during the day.


Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an amino acid that acts as an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which is a fancy way of saying it balances out neuron firing in your brain and central nervous system. GABA also plays a role in regulating your circadian rhythm and sleep cycles, making it a key component of getting a good night’s sleep. Some studies have shown that taking GABA supplements can reduce anxiety and blood pressure, while others point to better rest quality and an easier time falling asleep. Together, these potential benefits make GABA a great, all-natural go-to for bedtime relaxation.4,5,6,7

You can find GABA in our Beyond Sleep Gummies and Beyond Sleep System.

3 Valerian

Valerian root, which is “Generally Recognized As Safe” (GRAS) by the FDA, has been used to address insomnia and stress symptoms, among other conditions, since ancient times. This herb offers a variety of beneficial compounds, including flavonoids and low levels of GABA, that work in different ways to calm the brain and body. Research shows it can improve your length and quality of sleep while reducing overnight interruptions. Light sleepers, rejoice! There’s also some evidence to suggest it may also help with stress and anxiety, making it a good go-to for a pre-bedtime tonic.8,9,10

If you want to try it out, both our Ultimate D-Stress™ and Sleep Eze capsules are formulated with valerian root.

4 Magnesium

Low levels of magnesium are not only associated with cramps and migraines, but also poorer sleep. Though scientists aren’t yet completely sure how this mineral directly influences or interacts with sleep, there’s compelling research to suggest that it offers relevant health benefits. In general, magnesium supports healthy nerve and muscle function; it also regulates blood pressure and blood sugar. When it comes to sleep, magnesium supplements can help you doze off more quickly and keep you asleep, likely thanks to their interaction with chemicals like GABA and cortisol in the brain. Especially if you have restless leg syndrome, magnesium can be a vital sleep aid.11,12

Both our CAL/MAG 100 and Ultimate Osteo Mag (also available as part of the Beyond Sleep System) are good sources of magnesium. We recommend taking Ultimate Osteo Mag in the evening with your last meal of the day for best results overnight.

5 Tryptophan

Myth-busting time! It turns out the tryptophan in your Thanksgiving turkey isn’t putting you to sleep – the fatty food is actually to blame for your yearly food coma. That being said, this amino acid does play an important role in melatonin and serotonin synthesis, helping to balance out stress levels in the body (which can make you feel relaxed and sleepy). It may also help ease the symptoms associated with obstructive sleep apnea too, making it a holistic health option for those who want to try something more natural.13,14,15

You can get your daily dose in our Beyond Sleep Gummies or our Sleep Eze capsules!

Amino acids in general are a good supplement to have handy for overnight sleep support. They’re the building blocks of life and do so much for our bodies! Our Beyond Sleep System includes H.G.H. Amino Acid Complex, which can help your body recover and repair itself while you rest.

Getting Started

If you’re testing these products out for the first time, or are pregnant, nursing, or taking medication, we recommend checking in with your doctor before trying any of these supplements. Even though they are holistic sleep remedies, it doesn’t mean they’re side effect-free or effective for all. If you don’t like how you feel using them, don’t be afraid to lower the dose or try something new!

We hope this research helps you make the right choice with confidence, so you can sleep easier and wake up feeling your best every day.

Need some help getting started? Take our Sleep Quiz to see which products work best for you!



1 Melatonin: What You Need To Know, NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

2 Melatonin: Pharmacology, Functions and Therapeutic Benefits, 2017

3 The effectiveness of melatonin for promoting healthy sleep: a rapid evidence assessment of the literature, 2014

4 GABA Receptor, NIH National Library of Medicine

5 Effects of Oral Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Administration on Stress and Sleep in Humans: A Systematic Review, 2020

6 Anti-Hypertensive Effect of γ-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)-Rich Chlorella on High-Normal Blood Pressure and Borderline Hypertension in Placebo-Controlled Double Blind Study, 2009

7 Safety and Efficacy of Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid from Fermented Rice Germ in Patients with Insomnia Symptoms: A Randomized, Double-Blind Trial, 2018

8 Valerian, Mount Sinai

9 Valerian Root for Sleep, Sleep Foundation

10 Valerian Fact Sheet, National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements

11 Magnesium Fact Sheet, National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements

12 Using Magnesium for Better Sleep, Sleep Foundation

13 What Is Tryptophan?, Sleep Foundation

14 L-Tryptophan: Basic Metabolic Functions, Behavioral Research and Therapeutic Indications, 2009

15 Analysis, Nutrition, and Health Benefits of Tryptophan, 2018

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