The Longevity Secrets of Coffee
In our last article, we went over all of the different areas of health that are key to graceful aging and longevity. Today, we’re looking at how many of those same areas of health can benefit from a daily cup of joe!
That’s right – your favorite pick-me-up is helping you live younger, longer. According to recent research, all forms of coffee (even decaf and instant!) can greatly reduce your risk of dying from all causes for long-term java drinkers.1
Keep reading to discover the top health benefits of coffee, along with some other fun facts!
Fun Fact: 3-5 cups is the magic number!2
This is a big one. You would think coffee would be bad for your heart because of the caffeine, but in moderation, coffee is actually pretty good for your ticker. According to Johns Hopkins’ summary of statistics, coffee drinkers are less likely to develop heart disease, experience strokes, and suffer heart failure.2 Researchers noted that decaf and unfiltered coffee don’t necessarily yield the same benefits, so keep that in mind for your daily brewing.3 Coffee also provides a decent amount of potassium, which can help keep blood pressure under control and protect the heart.4,5
Just make sure you don’t offset these amazing benefits by adding tons of sugar, syrups, or other fatty mix-ins! If you’re craving something different, Johns Hopkins recommends adding a little cinnamon or cocoa powder to your cup for extra flavor. For a deliciously creamy vanilla mix-in with added health benefits, check out our Collagen Creamer!
Fun Fact: Coffee contains antioxidants,6 which help shield our bodies from cellular damage.7
Taking care of your metabolism starts with healthy eating and regular exercise, but you can additionally help your body out with a daily cup of joe! Not only does coffee (including decaf this time!) help you fight back against Type 2 diabetes,2,3 it can also help you lose weight by increasing your metabolic rate (which helps you burn fat).8,9 Coffee may also benefit your liver, which breaks down fats and stores sugars.10 Your daily java can help you maintain the right balance of liver enzymes2 and a healthy weight overall, which can protect your liver11 and keep your metabolism operating smoothly.
Fun Fact: Caffeine can restore your alertness by as much as 50% and starts to wear off after about 5 hours.12
Coffee is a great morning or midday pick-me-up for as much as 80% of us here in the U.S.,13 but it does more for our brains than just perking us up. Caffeine, the stimulant behind the buzz, can boost cognitive performance, physical function, memory, and reaction time.13,4,15,16 Coffee has also been associated with a lower risk of developing Parkinson’s and Dementia,2 both of which can impair normal cognitive function.
But moderation is key! Too much coffee can be bad for you and cause all kinds of weird side effects (jitters, anxiety, high blood pressure, sleep issues, etc).2 If you want a natural brain and energy boost with less caffeine, we recommend trying our adaptogen and nootropics-enhanced Tazza Di Vita™ instant coffee!
Mental Health
Fun Fact: 30 years ago, coffee was considered a carcinogen. Now, it’s considered part of a healthy diet.14
Did you know coffee can also give you a mood boost? While it’s well-known coffee can speed up elimination (when nature calls), you may not have heard that coffee can also help your gut microbiome produce more good bacteria.17 Thanks to the brain-gut connection, you may be feeling a lot better after that first cup of the day!18 Weird, but cool right? Research says coffee may also reduce the risk of developing depression,19 though more research is needed to figure out exactly how that works. Coffee isn’t a cure-all for mental health or stress issues by any means, but it may be useful when paired with a healthy lifestyle and other coping techniques.
Fun Fact: Lighter roasts have just as much caffeine, if not more, than dark roasts!14
When it comes to getting good sleep as a cappuccino lover, moderation and timing are key. Caffeine has a way of sneaking up on us and keeping us awake when we should be snoozing. To get the most out of your coffee while ensuring good quality sleep, have your last cup at least eight hours before you want to go to bed.20 If you find yourself lying awake 15 hours after only having one cup at lunch, don’t worry – that may just be the cortisol talking. Coffee also amps up cortisol production, which can disrupt your circadian rhythm (your natural sleep-wake cycle).21,22 And remember, even if the most obvious effects of your coffee wear off at hour six, you’ve got another six to go total before the caffeine is completely gone.20 Knowledge is power, plan accordingly!
1 Association of Coffee Drinking With Mortality by Genetic Variation in Caffeine Metabolism, 2018
2 9 Reasons Why (the Right Amount of) Coffee Is Good for You, Johns Hopkins Medicine
3 6 Surprising Health Benefits of Coffee, AARP
4 Beverages, coffee, brewed, breakfast blend, FoodData Central, U.S. Department of Agriculture
5 Potassium Fact Sheet, National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements
6 Antioxidant and Antiradical Activity of Coffee, 2013
7 How can antioxidants benefit our health?, Medical News Today
9 Can Coffee Increase Your Metabolism and Help You Burn Fat?, Healthline
10 Liver: Anatomy and Functions, Johns Hopkins Medicine
11 Detoxing Your Liver: Fact Versus Fiction, Johns Hopkins Medicine
13 A review of caffeine’s effects on cognitive, physical and occupational performance, 2016
14 Coffee, The Nutrition Source, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
15 Caffeine has positive effect on memory, Johns Hopkins researchers say, HUB, Johns Hopkins University
16 Is caffeine a cognitive enhancer?, 2010
18 The Gut and the Brain, Harvard Medical School, 2017
19 Coffee, Caffeine, and Risk of Depression Among Women
20 Caffeine and Sleep, Sleep Foundation