Posted: September 10, 2020 | By: Rocio Ramos
Welcome to Vision 2020
Day one started with a welcome address from Steve and Michelle Wallach, who hit on this year’s theme (Vision 2020), the power of love and community, heading into our 25th year (can you believe it?), Doc Wallach’s visionary work, and more. They also talked about the importance of first establishing your WHY and then committing to your WILL. . .what will you do to achieve your goals?
Steve then introduced speaker, Dr. James Rouse (Dr. James), who discussed the power of intention and how the virtual world presents whole new opportunities. According to Dr. James, just thinking about positive people and places can “decorate” our environment, which helps form neuropeptides that make us feel optimistic and more efficient (epigenetics at work). He believes that direct selling is really direct serving, that you’re most powerful when you’re a leader full of hope, and most contagious when you’re full of love. He advises us to learn from the teachings of Youngevity, move from transaction to transmission, and project that positivity into the world.
Next up, our health and nutrition expert, Sanjeev Javia (coach Jeevers), led our Better Health Challenge segment. He started by congratulating Team Heritage Makers, our Grand Champion winners of the Team Challenge—they won some amazing Youngevity merchandise and $2,500 bucks! This resilient group, which includes Jennifer Cook, Joyce Williams, Stephanie Feenstra, Tanya Fillion and coach Candi May—lost 211 pounds collectively! Today they shared their feelings about their powerful sisterhood, and discussed the ins and outs of their journey so far. According to team member, Joyce Williams, who at age 77 lost 40 pounds: “It’s never too late to be a healthier person, and if I had known someone would pay me to lose weight, I would have done this 30 years ago!”
Sanjeev then Interviewed our individual finalists Chad Tittle, Christina Forster, Rosalia Navia, and Sylvia Harris. This group lost a staggering 380 pounds! In addition to some great prizes, our Grand Champions were finally named—congratulations to Sylvia Harris and Christine Forster, who each won $5,000! Sylvia exclaimed, “I feel like a new creation. . .Youngevity saves lives, we really do!” Congrats to each and every one of you for reaching your weight loss goals, and being such an inspiration to us all!
You can learn more about the Better Health Challenge at, and maybe you will be our next Grand Champion!
Steve Wallach followed up by introducing four new Youngevity products that truly support our 90 For Life Philosophy. Stay tuned for a full blog recap on our new products coming soon.
Shortly after, Sanjeev interviewed the renowned Dr. Ara Suppiah. Dr. Ara’s approach is designed for athletes, but he conveys that anybody with an athletic mindset still applies. For example, if you’re a business person striving for greatness, you’re a “corporate athlete.” He believes it’s more important to know what sort of person has the diagnosis, than to know what diagnosis that person has. And his system shows how to minimize impact and maximize performance. This is only the tip of the iceberg of his amazing work, and we highly recommend learning more about his teachings, which provide guidance for his famous athlete clientele.
Next, Michelle Wallach interviewed keynote speaker, Michelle Poler, founder of Hello Fears and best known for developing 100 Days Without Fear. Her biggest lesson during the pandemic? “We don’t always have control over our lives, but you can’t allow yourself feel like a victim.” That’s how she learned to cope and become the “hero of her own story.” Her favorite quote is “The enemy of success is not failure. It’s comfort.” That’s because she believes we must choose growth instead of comfort to succeed, that it’s okay to get it wrong, learn, and try again. She also has a favorite exercise from her therapist: write a letter to your future self (one year from now) that answers this question: What’s the best that can happen if the worst happens? Michelle loves this idea so much, she asked our audience members to do a letter of their own. . .we’ll check back in a year to see the results!
Sean Brown then introduced field speakers and Black Diamond Ambassadors Tom and Denice Chenault, who provided great tips for creating the right environment to succeed. From setting the right habits by becoming more disciplined to staying focused on your nutrition, the Chenaults share what it takes to become your best you.
We then wrapped up the general session by honoring Tara Webb with the Rising Star Award, in recognition of her excellent team building skills and commitment to the Youngevity mission. And finally, we listed our 300 club qualifiers, whose efforts in the field have propelled them to a new level of success.
We loved the instant feedback with the comments from our attendees! Thank you for sharing and participating in this virtual event. It was a fun, lively, inspiring day! Be on the lookout for the day two blog recap tomorrow!
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