3 Tips to Help You Stay in Shape – For Good!
Posted: October 18, 2020 | By: Rocio Ramos
When thinking about the periods in which you’ve been the most motivated to workout, what comes to mind? The New Year? A summer vacation? What about a wedding? Whatever the reason may be, most individuals are guilty of a fluctuating exercise regimen. Without a specific goal or event, it’s rather difficult to stay on track with a regular workout routine. Unfortunately, with fluctuating workouts also comes fluctuating weight and muscle mass. Wouldn’t it be great to stay in shape all year long; even for the rest of your life!
Easier said than done, right? Well, one thing we can all agree on is that the more you do something, the better you become at it. And when you master something, you’re going to enjoy it more. So when you’re in good physical shape, exercising will no longer seem like a chore that you need continuous motivation for. Though when it comes to exercise, it’s always great to continue to challenge yourself; that’s what helps with muscle growth and cardiovascular health.
So here are a few tips that will help become a master of exercising!
Find a Workout Tribe
Whether it’s a local running club, bootcamp, or even a CrossFit® gym, working out with a group of individuals who share similar goals, interests, and struggles makes a big difference in getting you to your workouts regularly. Plus, before you know it, you’ve become good friends with people you met just from working out.
Keep a Workout Calendar
I know this seems pretty basic, but having a calendar sitting at your desk or hanging on your fridge with the days marked off keeps you in check! You can schedule your workouts, then cross them off later and feel great about your progress. Keep doing this until you no longer need a workout reminder.
Find a Buddy (or Two)
Maybe you have friends that struggle with your same issues. Maybe you have a friend who loves to work out that you can join a couple times a week. Whatever it is, make plans with one of them and stick to them! Having someone at your same level is less intimidating and helps ensure you both get a workout in. However, working out with someone who works out regularly helps push you a bit more. Try a few sessions with both.
No one enjoys having to go back to square one because they fell off the wagon with their workout routine. So instead of having to re-train your muscles, keep them trained by staying on track. If you’re ready to get moving, you can start by joining our Walktober Challenge!
Our Walktober Challenge is helping individuals move more by challenging them to walk every day in the month of October! Even though we’re 3 weeks in, it’s never too late to get started on your own 30 day walking challenge! So, get started and join us!
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