Stay Strong Past Your 60s and Even Live Beyond Your Life Expectancy

Posted: October 27, 2017 | By: Rocio Ramos

Live Longer, Stronger

Everyone wants to live a long life. But what about not only living longer, but also healthier and stronger as you age? A new study, published by The Journal of Gerontology, found that eating healthier throughout your adulthood helps improve physical performance at ages 60-64.  What this study may imply is that the nutritional choices you make today, can have a significant impact on your health 30 years from now. You may even live longer and surpass the average life expectancy.


Current Life Expectancy in the US

In the US, the current life expectancy is 78.8 years old as reported by the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Additionally, according to the CDC, the leading cause of death is heart disease, with cancer coming in a close second. So even for individuals living to 78 years and beyond, many times growing old can also mean growing sick.  The good news is, there is much you can do break away from this statistic, but you’ll have to start putting the work in NOW!


Improving your Diet

The study, Adult Lifetime Diet Quality and Physical Performance in Older Age, found that by following a healthy diet during your adulthood, you are more likely to perform better physically than those with a poor diet. The study analyzed the diets of over 2,000 individuals. Diet records were collected at four points between the ages of 36 and 60 – 64. What it found was that of the adults whose diets were higher in fruits, vegetables and whole grains and lower in white bread, potato products, added sugars and processed meats performed better in physical assessments at 60 – 64 years of age. What this means is eating healthier now, may have a huge pay off down the road.


Start with a Healthy Body Start Pak™

Establishing a healthy diet may be a bit easier when you have a strong foundation. Dr. Wallach established that you need 90 essential nutrients as your foundation for optimal health. Couple your 90 essential nutrients with a healthy diet and you’ve built a great foundation for your future health and wellness. You can find the Healthy Body Pak that’s right for you or

Remember, living stronger, longer starts now!


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