Meet the newest Better Health Now Semifinalist: Greg Anthony & Holly Steiner

Posted: January 14, 2019 | By: Rocio Ramos

Cycle 4 Weight Loss Semifinalist Announced! 

2018 was an incredible year of health transformations with the Better Health Challenge – including the inspiring weight loss journeys of our two Grand Champions. Last year so many individuals made the decision to join our Grand Champions and change their lives with the Better Health Challenge. For our final cycle in 2018, we had two more individuals with amazing weight loss results who have been selected as our Cycle 4 Semifinalist – Greg Anthony and Holly Steiner!

Greg Anthony

Greg’s story began last August at Youngevity’s Be the Change 5K event in San Diego! Greg and his wife were attending Youngevity’s annual convention that year and at the 5k, Greg saw 4 people cross the finish line that a significant impact on him: A man in a wheelchair, a man on crutches, a 13-year-old girl who suffers from aneurysms, and a visually impaired woman. This really moved Greg, and he said “That’s it! No more excuses, next year I’M doing the 5K!”

When he returned home, he began to substitute one meal a day with a TMR shake then began to add more Youngevity supplements to his program. By following the Wellness 90 plan, Greg has gone from 265 lbs to now, 195 lbs! For his next health phase, Greg plans to increase his workouts and continue on his wellness plan towards better health.



Holly Steiner

Holly has been using Youngevity products for about 5 years and has had great success with the weight loss programs two previous times; before having kids and after her first child. Holly has just completed the REV 90 Program for the third time and once again had great results! She’s lost 32.2 lbs with only 8lbs to go to hitting her goal of a 40 lb weight loss. 

After completing this latest round of the REV 90 Program, Holly plans to do another round, this time focusing on her fitness. She wants to strengthen her back and exercise more as a family so that she may be a good example for her kids. She couldn’t be happier with her success and will continue to focus on her nutrition and better health.



If you’re ready to join Holly & Greg, visit to learn about the three weight loss programs.

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