Holiday Entertaining – A Healthy Holiday

Posted: November 23, 2018 | By: Stacy Croninger

Holiday entertaining means time with family and friends, which can be a happy and fun time as well as stressful. Staying healthy is important so you can enjoy the time together. In this final blog post about holiday entertaining, we’ll look at products Youngevity offers that can help you have a healthy, happy holiday.

In case you missed the first two Holiday Entertaining posts, you can read about A Clean House and Spice Up Your Menu for additional ways to make your holiday the best ever.

Get your 90

First and foremost, make sure you’re getting all the nutrients your body needs. I’m sure this seems obvious, but when life gets crazy busy, our normal routines are often skipped. So stick with your 90 for Life plan no matter what life throws your way.

Immune Support

Bring on the loved ones, and extra germs. This time of year the viruses and bacteria are holding their own celebrations and spreading their love around, so you may find that your body needs extra support to fight off these uninvited guests. There are several options, but one that is great to have on hand is the Seasonal Immune Support Pak. These pre-packaged combos include Immun-911, Killer Biotic FX, Zinc FX, C-FX, and Vitamin C, all designed to help your body be extra healthy for the holidays.

Healthy Environment

Essential oils are a great option for helping support your immune system and when diffused, can help those that come into your home as well. Here are a few options to consider:

  • To Be Well – helps support the immune system in defending against illness
  • Deep Cleanser – helps cleanse the air as well as deodorize and lift your spirits
  • 1st Defense – as the name says, this oil helps stimulate the immune system and fight initial symptoms

This information only scratches the surface of what you can do to create a healthy body and environment during the holidays, or any day. We hope you have a happy holiday season filled with celebrating with loved ones in a home you are comfortable in.

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