Walktober 2022 – Everything You Need To Know
Get your sneakers ready, grab a buddy, and map out your route, it’s time for our annual Walktober! This year, we want ALL our Youngevity community to come together and join this annual health movement.
Get your sneakers ready, grab a buddy, and map out your route, it’s time for our annual Walktober! This year, we want ALL our Youngevity community to come together and join this annual health movement.
Our R.I.S.E event brought our community together to recognize the achievements of our incredible distributors. While the event was focused on celebrating the new Ranks, there was also new product announcements, sales training, and more! Here
2021 has been filled with new experiences and new opportunities. We began the year with our Transformation & Celebration event and along the way, we’ve continued to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments. Our virtual events have allowed us
2021 is more than halfway over and we have so much to be proud of. Our community has once again come together to learn, recognize, and work together at our Driven By Vision event. This
We started off our final day with Steve and Michelle Wallach providing a quick summary of events so far, and stressing the importance of identifying your WILL and following through on your goals after convention. What
New Products Everyone Will Love One of our favorite parts of convention is sharing exciting new products that continue to support Youngevity’s mission. From new digestive support products to new sanitizing products to a beautiful new
Day two began with Steve and Michelle Wallach expressing how proud they are of our Better Health Challenge winners—these folks have certainly identified their why and found the WILL to make their health goals happen. What a great example
Welcome to Vision 2020 Day one started with a welcome address from Steve and Michelle Wallach, who hit on this year’s theme (Vision 2020), the power of love and community, heading into our 25th year (can
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Chula Vista, CA 91914
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